Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Why Germonkey has the most liberate law on prostitution in the world?

I dont know.
I even did not know what is prostitution until today.
Yesterday, I made this picture

I was wondering what was this read heart saying. I love the golden balls on the Xmas trees and really liked this heart. Than, when I got home, I searched what does Reeperbahn means...And I was terrified!!!! and scared!!!
Today, I read something again in the news paper - Germonkey has the most libertate law on prostitution...
Read this
I got really sad...The kitten told me one very sad story about one lost chicken from eastern euromonkey, that was grabbed and fooled by an old brown hyena...and now it works on the Reeperbahn. An young chicken, but very foolish...According to the official organization of prostitutes in Germany, there work more than 400.000 female prostitutes in Germonkey!!!
I feel really really really sad.

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