Monday, December 16, 2013

The Xmas Market 2

I took a long break. So many things happend to me lately. The little kitten was sick on the weekend and vomited the whole time next to me. Since then I am little bit...But anyway, here is a picture of the little kitten. I am always talking about it was waiting for the baby bear to come and hug it...And the baby bear did not...
I have to live with it. And imagine when it vomits. Disgusting.
So, therefore, I went again to the Xmas market. Very crowded. Full with Germonkeys and other Humonkeys. Seems that they love Xmas. I understand that. I enjoy being there too.
I saw this wooden family and wanted a picture with them.
Then I went to the best street, I have ever been on!
And what to see there...
They did bagpacks from kittens!!! I was really glad that the little kitten did not see this. It will get upset. It is very sensitive you know.
Then, they dry linen...Cruel thing, I tell you...Here caught birds on lines...
I looked and looked around...The midgets working so hard...
The russian dolls singing in chor...
 The Germonkey's houses ready to be rented...I could live in a one if they were not so small...
 The snow balls...The carousels..Would love to get a ride..
 This cleaning machines for the new year...
 The old midgets...Singing Xmas songs..A wooden mise who pee a red ball or has a problem...The stars...
The best thing was about to come. I found a train which I could ride on my own...
I felt so happy and fulfilled...

 When I got tired of riding the train, I just set inside and relaxad...
 And thought about things...Monkey things...How different my life was now...
 I even could ride a motorcycle now!!! I could be with baby bear and little kitten there...
I wished to kiss under the mistletoe...someone who I will love from all my heart...
 But not this lego monkey...It is not soft and nice to touch like little kitten or baby bear...
Now, I am tired and I will go to bed..

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