Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It is the child who makes the man, and no man exists who was not made by the child he once was.

When I grow up, I will be very happy like I am now...Since I started to read, I read different things.
Today I read that the longterm effects of childhood neglect are many and serious. they asked a lot of questions such "Have you fallen in and out of love with people who can’t love you back? Do you believe that you are essentially unlovable? If you never felt loved by your parents, you may not know what it really means to love and be loved. Are you unable to adequately take care of yourself or people you love? Maybe you were never taught how to take care of a home, prepare healthy meals, or manage your money. Are your easily frustrated by your kids and uncertain how to parent? If your parents never took care of you, you may feel clueless about how to take care of your own children. Do you find it difficult to empathize with others’ pain? Do others accuse you of being selfish and unfeeling? When a child has never had enough, be it food, or attention, or love, it’s hard for the adult he becomes to ever feel he has enough to share.
If you were neglected as a child, you are not doomed. You don’t have to accept your early training that you are not worth someone’s love. You don’t have to become an overly dependent partner or an inadequate parent. You don’t have to repeat the pattern of neglect that may have been in your family for generations. By taking steps to understand yourself, love yourself, and learn new skills, you can turn the negative effects of neglect around.
The first step is to..."
This was very long, I dont have parents but I feel loved.

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