Sunday, December 1, 2013


Yesterday, I went to the Xmas market alone.

Two days ago, the baby bear ate the heart of the little kitten and broke the paws of the little kitten. Again. Then the baby bear laughted at the pain of the little kitten for making itself vulnarable and loving the baby bear, and left it alone on the street. And hided.

I wanted to cheer up a little bit the kitten. And wanted to bring to it something big and golden like this balls.

But the kitten does not allow me to steal or lie. It is a kitten with principles. The little kitten asked me not to write anymore about it and the baby bear. It realized finally that the baby bear is unable to love and never will love the little kitten. The little kitten wished only so much that the things that the baby bear was saying were real. But which thing said by a baby bear pretending to be lion could be real? The little kitten saved a part of its heart and it will fill it with love to recover. And the paws, they will recover too. It just needs little bit time.

I was sad yesterday because the little kitten cried so much because of the cruel and selfish baby bear. It felt used and fooled.

I thought long about why the baby bear was doing this.

But, only the baby bear knows.

I thought yesterday about him. I feel sorry for him. Sometimes, he is pathetic.

I live now with the little kitten. The baby bear...It gave the little kitten a walnut for me. I found a nutcracker on the Xmas market. I have paws, I am not like the baby bear to smash and crack everyone who tries to be close to me.

When I have job, I will come to this market and buy everything what a monkey can wish for. It was so shiny.

My first Xmas. It will be a great adventure.

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