Sunday, December 1, 2013

Monkey bed

I'm friends with the kitten that's in my bed
Get along with the voices inside of my head
You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath
And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy.

I wish for Xmas a separate bed for monkeys only. I had to sleep next to the farting baby bear in Indonesomonkey. Can you see how the light is falling on the bed? Like a rainbow trough fog.
So, I had to put a sleeping gas mask not to die or in best case to demage my cranial nerves due to the poison gas that the baby bear was emitting day and night.

Also, I had every night to climb on the highst tree to steal the most beautiful flower for the baby bear to eat it. The baby bear thought that if it eats flowers before it goes to bed, his farts will smell like magnolia blossom. So, I had to work to get a warm place to sleep at night. If I was not waiting with the flower for the baby bear, it beated me so bad and left me on the street in Indonesomonkey where tigers walk and search for small monkey to eat them...I was climbing every night scared to dead and was waiting with the flower the baby bear to come and evaluate the flower. 

Do you see how worried and scared I was.I would have shitted in my pants, if I had any.

The baby bear does not like if someone does not obey, because it is fearful and despotic baby bear. Ok, sometimes he was ok, but now I live with the little kitten, so he is the bad in our story.
Now, I sleep next to the kitten… which is good, I like the kitten and it is a kitten, it is clean and fluffy but I also want to have my space.
I already chose this bed from Ikea. I think it would be comfortable for me. Dont want anything more special, I dont know how long I will stay in Germonkey. I think Santa Monkey will be able to affort it. Or the little kitten.

Starting tomorrow to search for a job, have to buy also some cloths, freaking cold outside.

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