Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Good night

Tonight, I am tired and little bit sad. The little kitten told me not to be anymore upset about the baby bear. It told me that the baby bear loved me in his own way, and his love made me live first. It is not that the baby bear is bad, it is just often scared and it doesn't know what to do, so it does what it knows from his experience. The thing that scares us most is change. And fear makes us see things twisted and makes us do the same choices again and again, not to lose our security and to protect us from new and growth, because we don't know what will happen...Even if you want it differently... The little kitten also does sometimes stupid things...everyone does. The baby bear is such great guy but he always finds a way to screw things up and to let you down... And to hurt himself too...I feel sad about the baby bear. Sometimes, I want to hug it again and to make it braver and happy, real happy...Good night

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