Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Cake

Today, I wanted to surprise the little kitten with a cake, it was the whole night away with other kittens to dance. I cant tell how kittens dance, because I was not invited. However, I wanted to eat a cake with carrots and a lot of almonds. I love almonds and cinamon. And brown sugar. I needed a lot of time to make this cake and you can imagine what a mess did this cake do, because it had its own opinion how much ingredients it wants to have inside. 
But finally I made it. I cut it with my arms and tried it. It was really delicious. The kitten also liked it.
 It gets sometimes sad I guess when it sees me. I remind it of baby bear and the things it wanted always to do with the baby bear. But it also reminds me of the baby bear. I also miss the baby bear. But the baby bear doesnt miss me. I wrote again an email to the baby bear. But the baby bear didnt reply. It even did not asked me whether I survived the storm...It also let me outside on the street and did not come to pick me up once. And it forget me in Indomonkey.  I always hoped that the baby bear loves me. In its own weird way...That it likes to hug me. And it felt happy with me. But obviously, I was wrong.
I see that also the little kitten is still sad and maybe it hopes that the baby bear also thinks of it...And it will change and will want to be happy with the little kitten and to make cakes, to go to Xmas markets, to laugh together, to be happy together. I told the little kitten that it is only its wishes. Baby bear wants other things. Only because you love someone, it does not mean that he loves you back. Or he ever will try or care to make you happy. The baby bear told the little kitten, that the most important thing in his life is his work. That is sad. Really sad. I told the little kitten, that it should leave the baby bear with his work. What do the little kitten wants with a pusillanimous baby bear? Nothing...Pusillanimous is unable to love, pusillanimous is able to hide, able to lie, to put a hood and choose a dark way. It is never able to show its face, to be truthful, to show love, to take risks, it is to afraid from pain and rejection to love. It never changes. Because, only the brave ones have enough courage to change and to love.
I will eat a lot of cake and then, I will go to the casino to try my luck on the roulette...

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