Sunday, December 1, 2013

Where the journey went first

So, the little kitten gave me to the baby bear and the baby bear put me in the huge huge suitcase between the meat, the coffee and the coffee machine. All I remember for the next 5 hours was darkness and strange noises. I guess, first the suitcase was in the trunk of a taxi, then I think we were on a airplane. I have bit aviophobia but no one asked me. I was just a monkey in a huge, huge suitcase. So, I fell asleep. I dreamed about this little kitten. I knew it only for few hours from watching it, but it was so full of vim and vigor and at the same time, timid, indecisive and stressed. It was a strange kitten, a kitten thinker but it was holding me so tight with his tiny paws and it kissed and caressed me. It was a loving and lovable kitten, and it made me thinking of it. A lot. I was asking myself, why it gave me to the big baby bear. I knew the baby bear only for few seconds before it put me in the huge, huge suitcase. The baby bear seemed playful and had a loud and warm baby bear voice. Suddenly, I heard a zipper opening and lots of light came in. The baby bear grabbed me with its huge paws, looked around whether someone was watching us and it hugged me so strong. It seemed that we were on a airport. French. That was the language of the announcements. We were in Paris. Waiting for the next flight. I wanted to know where we were going, but I am a monkey. I cannot ask a baby bear. Baby bears are not used travell with friends. They travell alone and claim to work a lot. But everyone knows - baby bears love to play. And they stop to play only when they are afraid. And this baby bear seemed that it feared something. Maybe the asian human behing me. Maybe tiredness. Or just to show love and to love. Even if it was wanting it more than anything in the world. I felt it when the baby bear hugged me. He wanted so much a true friend. And someone to love. But we were in Paris. And everyone was tired. When you are tired you just have to walk horizontal as if you are lying. It makes you feel you rest as if you are sleeping and even though you are walking. Here how it works:

You even can do this while sitting.

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