Monday, December 2, 2013

My Old Home?

Life takes us by surprise and move us towards the unknown - even if we don't want to and even if we think we don't need to. I was asking myself, how different my life would be if the kitten has not had picked me in July. Today, I went to my former home. Secretly. I already described my former home. How closely, all of the animals lived to each other. It got more empty, some things changed, but all in all... have a look

Look where the kitten has found me...Sad monkey, you see
The hungry tigers...Scary...
The teddy bears, they look always happy
the cousin of baby bear
the competition
The kittens
the bears
the watch dog
Do you think this is life? Do you see how they look at me? Sad.
I will ask the little kitten to come and help me to set them free. They look so unhappy and empty, because nobody loves them. I changed because I am loved. Even by more than one kitten.

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