Saturday, December 21, 2013

Paint you a picture of what you’ll never see when you’re with a guy who’s really into you

I love that movie, he's just not that into you. I'm tired of seeing great women in bullshit relationships and I want to share something. I can paint you a picture of what you’ll never see when you’re with a guy who’s really into you: You’ll never see you staring maniacally at your phone, willing it to ring. You’ll never see you ruining an evening with friends because you’re calling for your messages every fifteen seconds. You’ll never see you hating yourself for calling him when you know you shouldn’t have. What you will see is you being treated so well that no phone antics will be necessary. You’ll be too busy being adored.
Don’t get it wrong when he says misses you and he loves you. He should miss you. He should love you. You are deeply missable and lovable. However, he’s still the same person who is hurting you. Remember, the only reason he can miss you is because he’s choosing, every day, not to be with you...he may say he loves you (in his way), he may say he misses you, but ultimately he's just not that into you. Don't try to understand him. Don't forgive him. Don't think of him. Don't be angry at him. Don't offend him. Don't waste your time with freaks and losers. Just let go and move on.

You are just a freak, an ordinary, simple freak

Wasting time with the wrong person is just time wasted. The quickest way to rectify that mistake (choosing the wrong person) is by learning from that, moving on, and choosing much more wisely in the future.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Xmas Market 2

I took a long break. So many things happend to me lately. The little kitten was sick on the weekend and vomited the whole time next to me. Since then I am little bit...But anyway, here is a picture of the little kitten. I am always talking about it was waiting for the baby bear to come and hug it...And the baby bear did not...
I have to live with it. And imagine when it vomits. Disgusting.
So, therefore, I went again to the Xmas market. Very crowded. Full with Germonkeys and other Humonkeys. Seems that they love Xmas. I understand that. I enjoy being there too.
I saw this wooden family and wanted a picture with them.
Then I went to the best street, I have ever been on!
And what to see there...
They did bagpacks from kittens!!! I was really glad that the little kitten did not see this. It will get upset. It is very sensitive you know.
Then, they dry linen...Cruel thing, I tell you...Here caught birds on lines...
I looked and looked around...The midgets working so hard...
The russian dolls singing in chor...
 The Germonkey's houses ready to be rented...I could live in a one if they were not so small...
 The snow balls...The carousels..Would love to get a ride..
 This cleaning machines for the new year...
 The old midgets...Singing Xmas songs..A wooden mise who pee a red ball or has a problem...The stars...
The best thing was about to come. I found a train which I could ride on my own...
I felt so happy and fulfilled...

 When I got tired of riding the train, I just set inside and relaxad...
 And thought about things...Monkey things...How different my life was now...
 I even could ride a motorcycle now!!! I could be with baby bear and little kitten there...
I wished to kiss under the mistletoe...someone who I will love from all my heart...
 But not this lego monkey...It is not soft and nice to touch like little kitten or baby bear...
Now, I am tired and I will go to bed..

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Good night

Tonight, I am tired and little bit sad. The little kitten told me not to be anymore upset about the baby bear. It told me that the baby bear loved me in his own way, and his love made me live first. It is not that the baby bear is bad, it is just often scared and it doesn't know what to do, so it does what it knows from his experience. The thing that scares us most is change. And fear makes us see things twisted and makes us do the same choices again and again, not to lose our security and to protect us from new and growth, because we don't know what will happen...Even if you want it differently... The little kitten also does sometimes stupid things...everyone does. The baby bear is such great guy but he always finds a way to screw things up and to let you down... And to hurt himself too...I feel sad about the baby bear. Sometimes, I want to hug it again and to make it braver and happy, real happy...Good night

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Miss Dior

The little kitten calls me now Miss Dior since I grabbed its parfume and spill it on me. I feel precious and I smell so good
The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience.

The Casino

I love Ginger from Casino. So, I dressed up like her. And went to the casino alone.

I had to pass the security first.

I am a clever monkey, so I figured it out. I just pretended that I am a model infront of a wall of liquid gold.
So, I came in.

So, here I was. Alone again.
The rest you can imagine. Gambling, gambling...This old guy took me in his arms and wanted to steal me, to work for him. But I am a child monkey. I cannot work jet. I cannot gamble too, but the baby bear left me alone and I was sad. Really sad. The baby bear told me that his work is the most important thing in his life. Not love, not friendship, not family. Work.
Taking pictures in the casino is strictly prohibited. So, I took more. I am rebel, when I feel let down...

And played and played. And then, I went for some drinks and to watch the kittens dancing.

 I watched for their bags and they bought me lots of drinks in return. I am a child monkey and dont steal.
 After I finished my drinks, I felt tipsy.
 Really, tipsy.
I saw a lot of Germonkey tonight. Really, scary they are so big and dance so much.

When I get scared, I hide
But the little kitten always tells me, that you have to be brave when you are scared. And to face your fears to go over them. Because life lived in fear and ignorance is even not a half life. It is only existence.
So, I went back to the Germonkeys. Singing and dancing. I like jazz.

 This time, they even looked friendly. I went back to the kittens and watched them dancing.
One of the kitten has also a child like me. Its child has been all over the world. It is a musician child. But this kitten also had something like baby bear but skinnier and younger. It also ate its heart and broke its paws. It is still recovering, but it feels better without someone who consumes it. This kitten showed me a picture of its child.
I will ask it for a date. It looks bit bad with this read eyes but it cried so much when its parents separated. I will treat it good. I dont have parents, but I have a friend - the little kitten. I knew that when I go back home, it will hug me and caress me and kiss me all over my sweet face and be happy.

The Bar

Yesterday was crazy. I am still getting over that the baby bear lied to me that it is my friend and left me forever...It still did not reply to my email...So, I had to forget that my best male friend left me. First, I went to a bar and got really drunk. I tried to rest bit in different lounges. I didnt want the little kitten to see me like this.
Then, I came here, hoping I will feel better.
Then, I stared for while in the mirrow with my back.
I felt sad again. I am in a shitty country, with shitty weather and I was drunk, no friend around.
After my selfpitty, I thought, I am happy that I got at least the little kitten and it takes care of me. I decided to go and pick up the little kitten and go to the casino. But I felt sick because I drank so much. So I had to go to the toilette.
 I felt really sick and had to vomit.
Then, I felt better and went home to ask the little kitten out for the casino. But the little kitten was not home. Some guys do not want to see the little kitten unhappy and make everything possible to cheer it up.