Monday, January 13, 2014

The Virus III

unfortunately, I am still sick. And I infected already the little kitten and the tiny kitten, which is the sister of the little kitten.
but the best thing of the day was that the baby bear came and visited me. He brought us flowers. Well, he wore a gas mask because the baby bear does not want to get infected, which I understand very good. I am sick since more than 10 days and it is not funny at all. But today after the baby bear came I felt happy. Finally, I could give him the gloves that I let elfs manufacture in Denmonkey. Denmonkey is a kingdom of beer, shipping, trolls and elfs. The most talented gloves manufacturing elfs live in Denmonkey. It is so cold there that they had to learn their craft well otherwise their hands would fall off from cold. When I returned from Indomonkey with the baby bear, I had only one thing in my luggage - finest leather from a dead animal who donated it to me before it died. We were very close back then.
so, I decided to make a small gift to the baby bear when my first snow is about to come. Now, if the snow comes, the baby bear doesn't have to freeze its paws, and we can play for hours. The kittens will stay at home. They freeze immediately because they don't have the thick fur of baby bears. Baby bears love snow and to play. Yesterday, I was mad at baby bear. Today, he made me happy. I am about to learn how important it is to be patient with anyone who loves you, but he never learned really to show it. And I am about to learn that when you love, you are patient with learning step by step making and keeping the one you love and care about, happy.
And the virus? He is still here. And I think now he got company from some bacteria...

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