Saturday, January 18, 2014

How I think I got the Virus

So, the new year started in our new place with the baby bear. Then he invited me and the little kitten to all you can eat in one chinese restaurant, which the little kitten suggested. This restaurant is very famous in Hamburgmonkey.
I ate a lot. Eventhough, the food was not great. And the chinesmonkeys were very rude and tried to made us eat everything that was on our plates!!! Eventhough is all you CAN eat and not all you MUST eat.
 Also, I did not get a child chair, eventhough, I needed one. Because, I am a child. Even if I am a monkey.
 I barely could reach the food if the little kitten and the baby bear havent helped me.
 The little kitten, placed me better and tryed to serve me better food.
 It was better and I was happy.
 But suddenly, I felt sick...
I jumped on the lying Buddha, to feel better...
 because, obviously, he felt also sick from the food.
 I lyed in exactly the same position, to feel his energy and to recover.
But it did not helped. I got sick. So did the little kitten too. The rest of the story, I already told it last week.

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