Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Virus II

I am very sick since last Tuesday. I had fever, caught, a bad virus, I tell you. I lost entirely my ability to smell and taste!!! Viruses cannot exists on their own, they have DNA, but are unable to live with their own structure. They need a cell, to use it, get more and finally destroy it. Where did I learned that? In the monkey school.
I wrote you that the baby bear came back in my life. On New Years Eve. The baby bear came back to be my friend again, but it disappeared immediately after I got sick. He even didn't visit me for 2 min, eventhough I felt so bad and sick... It feed me again with its promises that it would come to bring me something if I want...if I want...anyone who is sick and feels alone and bad is glad, if he or she gets a visit and a little attention. I don't expect anything different from the baby bear anymore. It will never be there for me, if I need it. It will never help me in anything really, if I really need a help. It will never be a true friend. I realized that the baby bear loves its distance. And that's the way it is. Eventhough, I have a present for him. I got it finally from the Danmonkey's elfs a day before I got really sick. But the baby bear did not pick it up, because, I might infect it. I understand the baby bear cares only for his own ass. And doesn't need a friend. If the baby bear gets sick, it doesn't want to be visited. It wants to be alone.
I have so many pics but I can't upload until mid next week nothing...

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