Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Monkey Diet

Ok, I got caught. I dont remember who. I dont remember for how long. Fact is, I want to be more powerful, healthy, beautiful and fit and not to be caught by colds and viruses and aliens and to waste time of my life. So, I decided to start eating and getting healthy.
I found on blogger one chick. I like her. She seems to make good meals for herself. And she looks pretty strong and big. She could fight with an alien. Especially, with a cold one. I asked her to make me a healthy diet. But, Stela remember, I eat only tasty food and I will not become under no circumstance entirely vegan!

Probably, she will help me. Let see. I will write on her blog until she answers. She has a name of a Star. Therefore the alien will be afraid of her, I hope. I will search for fitness trainer too.

The Cold Alien

Well, Hamburgmonkey is not known for sunny and nice weather. But if you only knew, what I have been through past week. Grey. Not fifthy, but thousands shades of grey.

Then cold. So, cold that I never could imagine that inside of the fridge would be warmer. Only in one the lake froze.
So, I stayid in my bed for couple of days.
Shivering and depressed. When suddently, I heard someone in my back yard. Walking and scraching with nails on my window. If I had pants, I would have shited inside. So, scared I felt in the first moment. But then, I remebered my magic pink hat, that I knitted when I was sick, put it on and went outside to see who was there.
I looked around.
It was an alien. With one leg with three toes and it putted snow outside. I looked around again.
The alien made some signs in the alien snow. I think, they knew that I am special and were looking for me. All of the signs were in the direction to my door.
It even weared a huge shoe for it one leg. One leged, three toes and it forgot its shoe. The alien should be really cold then. I was shivering.
When someone grabbed me from behind...
This time, pants or no pants, I shited...

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Hat

I discovered a new talent in myself, when I got sick. I felt cold, had fever and I realized that what I needed exactly was a knitted hat and a scarf in the color of the real men - pink. To feel warm and masculine and to survive my first illness. Where do I know that pink has this power on men? I read it. I want to citate something: "In the 18th century, it was perfectly masculine for a man to wear a pink silk suit with floral embroidery,” says fashion scholar Valerie Steele, director of The Museum at the Fashion Institute Technology and author of several books on fashion. Steele says pink was initially “considered slightly masculine as a diminutive of red,” which was thought to be a “warlike” color." If you want to read it on your own, read here
I discovered that I am gifted in knitting. Actually, the little kitten showed me.It knew it from its grand mother. The little kitten's grand mother is dead since more than 8 years now, but it teached the little kitten of so many things and skills, that she is still living in creating and passing over skills and warmth.
So, look at me:
 exactly, how the little kitten showed me, and how the grand mother of the little kitten showed it.
 And i knitted and knitted and knitted
 and knitted, and knitted, and knitted
 and knitted and knitted and knitted and it made me happy and warm.
 Not only warm, but also very very beautiful and stylish.
Kisses from Mr. Monkey Garlic Dior. Why Garlic? This is another story. Will tell it tomorrow. Good night kisses

Saturday, January 18, 2014

How I think I got the Virus

So, the new year started in our new place with the baby bear. Then he invited me and the little kitten to all you can eat in one chinese restaurant, which the little kitten suggested. This restaurant is very famous in Hamburgmonkey.
I ate a lot. Eventhough, the food was not great. And the chinesmonkeys were very rude and tried to made us eat everything that was on our plates!!! Eventhough is all you CAN eat and not all you MUST eat.
 Also, I did not get a child chair, eventhough, I needed one. Because, I am a child. Even if I am a monkey.
 I barely could reach the food if the little kitten and the baby bear havent helped me.
 The little kitten, placed me better and tryed to serve me better food.
 It was better and I was happy.
 But suddenly, I felt sick...
I jumped on the lying Buddha, to feel better...
 because, obviously, he felt also sick from the food.
 I lyed in exactly the same position, to feel his energy and to recover.
But it did not helped. I got sick. So did the little kitten too. The rest of the story, I already told it last week.

Happy Birthday Baby Bear and The New Years Eve

On New Years Eve, the baby bear came back into my life. Two days before, the baby bear had a birthday. I made this card for him. Thats how we got along again. I never have stopped loving him.
The little kitten also loved him and somehow, it even did not hesitated to take him back. We made lots of cards for the baby bear. The same scenes in different shades. Like our life with the baby bear in 2013.
 black and white
 colorful with different structure
 different shades
 and materials
 from light to darkness
 graphs of memories
 less colors...getting lighter with the time
 or darker

 and the end, how you choose to see it.

The Surprise

On the second day of Xmas. Another surprise was waiting for me. Me and the kittens found a bigger appartment for us three, but we had to move immediately!!!
I helped where I could.
I put my new hat on and started to pack.
 All of this packaging boxes were huge.
Good that I am a monkey.
From time to time, I was hiding in the boxes to see whether the kittens will worry. It worried. After we moved and I helped make order, it looked like this in the kitchen.
But I was so tired and I am a child monkey, so I had to get some sleep. With my new monkey blanket. I got it for Xmas. Instead of a monkey bed. I like the monkey blanket better. It is made of the same material as me. And reminds me of home and warmth.