Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

I feel so proud. First, I got the eggs from the ducklings...
Just kidding, I bought them. With my own money. 20 eggs. I bowled them without breaking one!!! And painted all of them, alone, ok, the little kitten helped me bit. I used a turkish newspaper not to cause a mess and put vinegar into the paint. It was organic, so the colors were not that bright, but at least healthy.

And the first ones
Then, I put them in a basket and tried to transport them into the garden
 I put the eggs carefully one by one
 Finally, I brought the basket to the garden
 Heavy basket, I must say. But I wanted to get some sun and to cool the eggs.

 Then, I had to jump down the table.
And to continue painting, because the eggs were not enough.
 Only 6 in organic colors.
 After the same procedure and some hours later, I filled the whole basket. I continued to put the eggs carefully one by one.
 Looked good..
 And I felt happy. Full basket of eggs.
 But...look what happend.
 One of the red eggs was broken.
 But we broke it on purpose - me and the little kitten. Old tradition
 I want to fight further with eggs
Happy easter to everyone!!!

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