Thursday, April 3, 2014

What happened with the little kitten and the baby bear?

First of all, I must say, I hated the finale of How I met your mother?. I hate it. How can you name a story, how I met your mother, when actually it just says that the mother is the second choice and Ted has been always in love with Robin. They screw everything up. Robin never loved Ted. He loved her. And she liked him, because he has been always there for her and put her first. But...Is this love? Is this real love? To love only because someone loves you so much?
A friend of a kitten told her that life is too difucult to be with a guy who is not running after you. And she is right. Life is difficult, when you love someone who is not loving you same way. Life gets difficult, when you give more meaning to a person, who gives less meaning to you. But when you love someone like this...What can you do? Can you force it? Can you wait? Can you hope? Yes, you can try... But at the end, you will just have to let go if you dont want to ruin yourself...You cannot force love...You cannot wait for it...You cannot hope for just happens...easy.

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