Sunday, March 22, 2015

How do fireworks work?

 Monkey makes fire works.
 How do fireworks work, you ask yourself?
 Well, the first firework in the world was made by a Chinese monk. Li Tian did it with a piece of bamboo.
 Then stuffed it with gunpowder and trew it in a fire.
 That was long time ago. Fireworks are dangerous for children. Therefore, children must always ask their parents to do the fireworks. Otherwise they can die. Or lose a hand or a leg. And life is pretty hard then.
Fireworks are beautiful, but dangerous for children to fire them alone. Remember this!!! Watch them from far away and enjoy the view.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Forgotten trips - Black sea

I am a great photographer. And took this picture at first day of Xmas.
 Everywhere snow - black sea was really calm and warm.
 I like that.
 I went to visit this bear. You know I love bears and thought that it is my baby bear.
 But it wasn't. It was a gigantic bear with a servant giving him massages.
And cloathing him.
 So, I went back to the sea.
 So calm.
 So relaxing.
 The young monkey and the sea.
 I want to travel again.
And will take this small white bear with me.

Forgotton trips - Vienna

 Well, I am so busy lately that I even forgot to share my jorney to Vienna, quite time ago.
 Vienna is cold. Thats for sure.
 And grey in the winter months. Really, grey.
So, I went to the Stephansdom to pray. For sun. I am grey sick and have a lack of vitamin D.
 So, I prayed and watched out not to be too close to the candles because I could burn my fur. And that's not nice. At all. It would have been painful and very stinky.
 I wached how people fell at their knees and asked god to merry them. But he did not want to be in a commited relationship. Because too many people were asking for that.
And this all happend on December 29, at 16:47:49. I was thinking of someone at this time, but probably he would not have been happy to hear from me on his birthday. So, I kept silent and loved him in silence.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Today I begin a new life

Today, is Baba Marta. So, I got this beautiful bracelet and now I will be healthy and monkey beautiful for the whole year.
I am continuing reading my scrolls.So: "Today I begin a new life. Today I shed my old fur which hath, too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity. Today I am born anew and my birthplace is a vineyward where there are bananas for all." I made some adjustments to the original version, I am a creative monkey. In truth, the only difference between thaose who failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all succeess. And bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Thus, I will form good habits and become their monkey.
This is the time. This is the place. I am the monkey. I will act now. Hope that I could feed you with my wisdom. Ok, not entirely mine. Og wrote the merety.