Sunday, November 24, 2013

How I met the little kitten

Not every person, kitten or baby bear knows how to love a monkey, but every monkey knows how to love a person or little kitten or a baby bear. Espercially, a monkey like me. It's my nature, some people think that I am a cuddle, fluffy, plush toy. But I am real. I came to the world to give love and hugs and good time and to be a good friend. I won't start my story from the beginning. I will start it with the story, how I met the little kitten. I was living in the Stofftiergarten in Hamburgey, Germonkey, surroounded by hundreds of plush animals from around the world. We were all living on 25sqm. We lived one over the other. So close to each other. We did not have much space, you understand, I am telling you. Sometimes, I was so scared not to fall from the monkey shelf to the shelf down of us monkeys - the shelf of the hungry tigers. The penguins and the ice bears lived together!!! How could this be at all possible? I as was so stressed the whole time. Almost got an burnout. You can imagine - everyone was arguing with each other and with theirselves too!!! It was so loud, so loud - day and night - so many animal species of every shape and size and meal preferences, night animals and day animals. You hardly can imagine what a mess it was...Living together, some of us afraid of their lifes. I am at least a monkey and I can climb...but poor bunnies, and pigs, and chickens, and sea animals... It was so stressful - I am telling you... So it was July, 25th, hot summer day, when the little kitten came in. It looked like a undecisive kitten. It was looking for something, but obviously it didn't know about what. It looked at all animals. At all around 700 plush animal species. Grabbing one, putting it back. Grabbing one, starring at it and putting it back. 2 hours!!! Grabbing one, starring at it and putting it back.I tell  you. I was watching it the whole time. It looked nice kitten, loving, lovable, but so tense and stressed. It looked at the dogs very long. It even picked one carlin puppy, but then it saw me. It grabbed me, looked at my arms, hands, caressed me. It was nice. But then it put me back and took the carlin puppy. I was so disappointed and honestly, I got a little bit mad at the little kitten. How a little kitten like this would pick up a dog and not a monkey? But the little kitten took the carlin puppy and it left. I was sad. I must say. But then, out of the sudden, the little kitten came back only 5 minutes later, out of its kitten breath. Somehow, it was so excited and happy. It put back the carlin puppy and grabbed me. Out of the sudden. My tiny heart was beating as a drum. Because, I knew that it will be the beginning of a great journey. Once the little kitten set me free...

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