Monday, November 25, 2013

How I met the baby bear

The little kitten grabbed me and ran for its life...It was a strange kitten, happy and stressed at the same time. It was running and running and running with me in its tiny paw. It buzzed at one big door and a baby bear voice said laudly "come in". The little kitten came in the house and it was a mess. You could immediatly see that a baby bear is living there - it played a lot, it was a cheerful baby bear. And obviously it was leaving to somewhere and it was in a hurry. The baby bear was a big baby bear already. It was also stressed and packaging a huge, huge suitcase with 60 kg of meat and coffee and coffee mashines...I thought it's going to the North visit his family. But it wasn't. The little kitten was happy and timid at the same time. "I brought you this" it said and gave me to the baby bear. The baby bear grabbed me with his big paws looked at me for a second as if it didn't know where to put me. This was how I met the baby bear.
The last thing that I remember before the baby bear put me inside of the huge, huge suitcase between the meet and the coffee and the coffee mashine was that it kissed the little kitten on the small head and said "Thank you."

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