Sunday, June 15, 2014

Etna - the active strato volcano

So, my next stop was Etna - one of the most active volcanos world wide.
I got this map and draw my way.
 My starting point.
 I walked through the ash.
And walked.
 Long way and very sunny.
 So high.
 Other people also wanted to climb to the volcano.
But I was ahead.
 I saw where the lava came out...
 I had to climb more.
 And more
 And more, it looked like another planet.
I never saw something like this before.
 Amazing, I asked ppl to lift me bit higher.
 Etna is huge.
 I liked it a lot.
I hoped that no lava will come out.
 I wont get to the very end, because I did not wore a jacket.
 But I was really really happy, for being there and had an amazing view.